Ice Goddesses of Muskoka

These are my close friends. For weeks they’ve been plunging into the frigid waters of Muskoka’s lakes and rivers since November 2020. Each plunge increases the amount of time their bodies can sustain being completely immersed in Mother Earth’s water.

Every week they meet to do this. What they’re doing is called the Wim Hof Method. It’s cold water immersion that is an effective way to let your body improve a recovery process. You will be able to to take control over various processes in the body and by doing so, improve your overall health.

On this particular day, these strong women decided to bare all and plunge completely free from the waist up. An act of empowerment from centuries of body oppression.

I felt incredibly honoured to photograph these womxn in such a vulnerable space. Witnessing their power was awe-inspiring.